This is more of an observation than anything. Certain facts (I assume they are facts because they have been divulged so much to me) just seem to be really popular to share, and I wonder if I'm alone in this line of thought. My prime example is the fact that "a dogs mouth is actually cleaner than a humans. In fact if you get a cut, you should have a dog lick it off." I have heard one or both of these companion statements somewhere in the neighborhood of 143 times.
Yesterday, a co-worker informed me about a friend of hers who tried to stop a couple of dogs from fighting and received a minor bite from one of them on his thumb. The bite became infected and he ended up need to have a portion of his thumb amputated! That seemed to contradict the clean mouth theory I had heard so often.
Anyhow, my point in this post was to discover other facts (or "facts" as the case may be) that you've noticed people around you including perfect strangers are willing to share. In fact, did you know that (insert number between 1 and 99) percent of statistics are made up?