
To do before City Cup:

  • Weed the yard.
  • Repair white stuff in fence.
  • Mow the lawn.
  • Grocery Store.
  • Buy line spray for the field
  • Borrow shade awning from parents.
  • Sprain foot in three places.
  • Get foot sprained by the most annoying player on the most annoying team in the history of indoor soccer.
  • Have foot sprain be the culmination of a very rough night on the field which includes each of the following:
    1. Suffering multiple hard fouls from behind, some of which are incredibly called AGAINST ME!
    2. Manage to have shots from either foot hit both posts within 2 seconds without scoring.
    3. Checking to the ball to receive a pass from Scott, which turned out to be a 50mph shot directly into the jewels from 3 yards away.
    4. After a few minutes of recovering off the field, return just in time to steal the ball from said annoying kid (we'll call him Joe because that's his real name). Joe grabs me from behind and leans his body into mine trapping my foot against the turf with my toes downward. I start to fall forward and he stops leaning. He drops, allowing all of his weight to do the damage as his backside crashes down on my calf forcing my foot to hyper extend under the weight. Three distinct jolts of pain shoot up my leg and I tell Joe exactly what I think of him.
    5. Ref takes no disciplinary action for this disgraceful horror tackle that could have easily ended in a broken foot/ankle/leg and months of recovery.


Leslie said...

I'm gonna punch Joe.

Jeremy said...

This is unreal.

Dude, it's a good thing I wasn't a spectator at this game because I'm pretty sure I would have rushed the field for some good face-to-face time with Joe to let him know just what I thought of his moves. Given my prior fan history, I think you know how serious I am when I say this.

Sorry your ankle got "Joe'd."

James said...

First of all Jesse you should not be wearing any jewels while playing soccer.

Second of all city cup is going to be awesome. I hope your foot recovers in time.

I got sick on Tuesday and I immediately thought that I better get better by Saturday for City Cup 09.

Lindy-Lou said...

I'll bet that's the same team you played one of the few times I've been there and the guy (was it Joe, or possibly Jose'?) was just spoiling for a fight. I think I'll sign up to ref your games.