

The wait is over, and we now know the gender of our little humanoid offspring. I was thinking it would be a boy, but I couldn't be happier. She is so cute, and I think she has my chin. Look how sharp and pointy that sucker is. The doctor and ultrasound tech said everything looks perfect. She's got a strong little heart and weighs one pound. She looks really uncomfortable in there, but she probably doesn't know the difference. Well, that's it that's the big news for the next litte while. This is a profile shot, and to me it looks like she's smiling.


Tiffany said...

SHE IS GORGEOUS! Congratulations! I'm already completely smitten by her, although I'm finally convinced that Georgy is the wrong name.

Ben said...

Oh my gosh!! She is beautiful!! I'm sooooo happy for you! I'm so excited to be closer when she makes her arrival into this world!

By the way, this is Leslie, not Ben!

Jeremy said...

Good job on that girl of yours! That's exciting! I can't wait till we can find out! Looks like that Chinese calendar was WRONG! I hope it's right for us though, cause I think it'd be fun to have a boy first.

At any rate, congratulations, though I'm sorry, I won't say she's cute because the photo of the ultrasound isn't exactly a glamour shot.

Anonymous said...

That is awsome Jesse and Natalie. We like little girls in our family. Just look at the parents and you know that she has to be cute. August still the ETA.

Dad C

Anonymous said...

When Leslie was pregnant we had felt that it was a boy too . . . until the ultrasound proved us wrong . . . until Ben proved the ultrasound wrong . . .
Good luck!!!

James said...

i couldn't be hapier for you guys. i can't wait to meet little Gretta.

Dede said...

woot woot!!! I can't wait to meet that cute little girl.

Jeremy said...

Let me clarify a bit: I didn't mean to sound rude wiht my comment about the ultrasound pic...I only meant the capabilites of the black and white shot, with all its fuzziness do not properly convey her future cuteness I'm sure, though it's one heck of a great profile shot.

Gretta will be one rad little girl.

John said...

Ahhhhhhhhh. We definitely are in need of a few more roses among the thorns :-)

Can't wait to meet her.

Jesse C said...

I'm not sure where this Gretta name came from.

Lindy-Lou said...

I agree with you, Jesse, she is beutiful, smiling, and definitely has her daddy's chin. I've never seen an ultrasound pic that is so clearly identifiable. How exciting! Can't wait to meet her.

Kate said...

Yes! Another Granddaughter! Maybe someday we'll outnumber the boys......

Rachel and Jason said...

Jesse, congrats man!! This is Jason, by the way. Rachel and I are really pumped for you guys!

P.S. Jason makes a really great name for a girl too...just putting that out there.