
Worth Checking Out

I came across this blog today and I had to share it. I've only ready two entries so far, but they were both fantastic. Apparently they dig up old letters from interesting people and situations. They post scanned originals along side the transcription. The first I read was from a 20 year old David Bowie responding to his first fan letter from America (a 14 year old girl from New Mexico). Read it here. The second is a letter from Kurt Vonnegut to his family after he was freed as a prisoner of war in WWII. If you've read his novel Slaughterhouse Five, you will be amazed at how much personal experience was poured into the book. Read the letter here.


Lindy-Lou said...

That blogspot is a rare find, Jesse. Thanks for sharing. Interesting that you were just commenting on SH5 and its author at Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...
