
That's What Friends Are For

My good friend and former band-mate brought to my attention the hypocrisy found in yesterday's post. I was on one hand trying to promote discussion while on the other hand I was taking jabs at a certain point of view.

I admit, that I was taken back a bit my Mr. Luhn's comment on my previous intelligent design post. It seemed weird to me that he was searching around the internet trying to find any reference to a movie that shows certain ideas are being suppressed in the scientific community. To me, his actions were only strengthening the points made in the "Expelled" movie.

Dusty, I stand corrected. I really appreciate your feedback, concern, and input. You are a good friend, and I'm glad you called me out about it. I should have held off actually publishing until I had a chance to really read through it again. I felt kind of uneasy about it all day yesterday worrying that my words would not come across as intended.

Reading back through my post, it kind of morphs from trying to promote discussion and being open minded to being argumentative and snarky. There was an attempt at humor thrown in there, but I don't think it came across as intended.

The term "believe in Science" is linked to the Nacho Libre scene on YouTube. I was trying to lighten the mood a little, but it definitely comes across as a jab. I don't know why I even write about stuff like this. I think I miss my philosophy classes.

I feel that all of these big ideas are not mutually exclusive, which is why it should make for great thought-provoking discussion. I apologize that my words were counter productive to their actual intent.

I really don't want to make this blog a place of argement. It should be a creative outlet with perhaps some thought provoking discussion here and there. It should also be funny when intended, and yesterday's attempt at humor failed because it was mixed in with an argumentative voice. I thought about going back and editing the post, but I think it is best left as a reminder to me of what this blog should not be.


Snake said...

Jesse, if I were you, I wouldn't worry about it at all. But you may do as you wish. If you truly felt you were taking jabs, then fine. But it didn't feel like it to me, and that's not because I 100% agree with you (which I do). It's because it made sense and was well thought out. Don't worry about one comment. And I'm not trying to argue or cause controversy. I'm just being open.

Lindy-Lou said...

The mark of a true gentleman is to be big enough to take criticism and objectively decide if it it warranted. Joseph Smith said something to the effect that if a man called him a fool, rather than react defensively, he examined his behavior to discover what prompted the name-calling, so as to correct anything amiss in his communication or actions. You are in good company.

Annie said...

Next topic of discussion: who REALLY built Stonehenge? This could get pretty heated...

Jessica said...

Good friends can debate and still go home friends. I say bring it on!

Austin said...

So, I guess I will comment. I think the point of the video and this discussion is whether ID should be taugh in school/science class. I would definately say No because it is not a science it is faith, and we separate church and state. Communist regimes not a free society force people to learn a particular religion.

James said...

I like your writing on these subjects and I like the discussion. Keep writing on what you want.

P.S. It is very very very weird that Senhor Luhn commented on your blog.

Why is it weird?

Because that dude must have a lot of time on his hands.

You are my brother and I read your blog and I barely ever comment.

James said...

I don't know if my comment above made sense.

Let me explain:

For some random dude to surf the internet. Find your little blog. Read it. And comment on it - is really weird. I don't even care that he disagrees with you. It is just really weird. Did I mention that it is weird. Where do people find the time to do stuff like that?

Jesse C said...

I think education is only a small portion of the issue to me. There is a growing sentiment in the media and society that you are ignorant and stupid if you think that ID is a even a possibility.

One guy in the movie lost his job because he mentioned in an article that a scientist claimed that intelligent design is a possibility. I just think it's wrong to have such harsh oppression of an idea.

In the end, none of us will have to wait incredibly long for answers. Perceived existence is only a small fraction of actual existence, and one day (after this life) we will be able to to eventually, fully comprehend.